While protection against network threats is essential, it is also very important to protect the metering system hardware – computers, network equipment and peripheral devices – against unauthorised local access. If not properly controlled, such local access can expose the system to a wide range of risks: spreading of malware and viruses via USB thumb drives, theft of confidential information or corruption of system configurations.
In theory, most metering systems are installed in secure locations, with access restricted to only authorised personnel. But based on our engineers experience working at Swinton Technology, metering systems on larger offshore and onshore assets are frequently not adequately protected and are easily accessible to contractors and visitors

It is therefore essential that suitable hardware access controls are put in place, to prevent unauthorised access and ensure that any access is granted under the permit to work system. At a minimum, the following controls should be considered:
- Installation of physical USB locks to prevent malicious USB flash drives from being connected to the metering system. In addition, USB port blocker software can be used to further enhance security.
- Installation of physical Ethernet port blockers, so that no new equipment can be connected to the metering network without prior authorisation. Any unused network ports should be disabled in the network devices as well.
- Installation of critical hardware (metering servers, network switches) in a secure location that can only be accessed by authorised personnel, such as permanently manned control rooms or equipment rooms.
- Any critical hardware should be installed in a locked server or electrical panel with unique keys.
- Keys to any locks should be stored in a secure location and issued only if a suitable permit to work is available and required approvals have been granted.
We can help you ensure that all of the correct steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access to your system, contact us to find out more via enquiries@swintontechnology.com or call (0)1653 698844.