In 2020, Swinton Technology supplied Centrica with an upgrade to the metering system at the Humber Gathering Station (HGS) Terminal.
A new single bay metering panel for Rough and HGS allocation metering, and Recycle Flash Gas metering was supplied as part of the project. In addition to this, Swinton Technology upgraded the Metering Supervisory Computer (MSC) hardware for Fiscal Metering A System. As part of the HGS Terminal Upgrade project, ST engineers integrated multiple metering systems into a single MSC.
At the HGS Terminal, a new single-bay metering panel was required for Rough and HGS allocation metering, and Recycle Flash Gas metering. The existing Fiscal Metering A (Ex York) Metering Supervisory Computer was modified to provide the station functions for the Rough and HGS allocation metering, and Recycle Flash Gas metering.
Additionally, the Fiscal Metering B System was integrated into the existing Fiscal Metering A MSC. The existing Fiscal Metering B (Ex Rough) Station S600 and WebUI were obsolete; as such, their function needed to be integrated into the existing FMA MSC. Swinton Technology provided a solution to integrate all S600+ flow computers within one dual redundant MSC.

Products Used
For the HGS Terminal Upgrade, Swinton Technology supplied three new Emerson FloBoss™ S600+ flow computers in the metering cabinet, handling Rough Inlet, HGS Inlet and Recycle Flash Gas metering. As well as supplying new S600+ flow computers, Swinton Technology also provided S600 to S600+ Upgrade Kits to upgrade the existing Rough S600 units.
All of the flow computers were integrated with a new dual redundant TruST Metering Supervisory Computer. The TruST MSC provided operates on Dell PowerEdge server hardware, running on the latest Windows Server 2016 operating system. The interface between the TruST MSC and each S600+ flow computer is provided over dedicated Modbus links.

Swinton Technology’s engineers delivered a technically compliant metering solution to Centrica. A new metering cabinet for Rough and HGS allocation, and Recycle Flash Gas metering was successfully installed in Sub Equipment Room B at the Easington terminal.
Swinton Technology provided a solution to integrate all S600+ flow computers, including the three new units, within the one dual redundant Metering Supervisory Computer. The existing Fiscal Metering A system was successfully modified to accommodate the integration of the new metering systems and the Fiscal Metering B system.