Interconnection units

Interconnection units

Interconnection units

One of the biggest challenges we recognised in the early 2000s was that many assets were operating with flow computing technology that was nearly 20 years old. This, coupled with the fact that replacing cabinets isn’t an option and having to cutover technology during live operations, we developed Interconnection Units (ICU). Our ICUs are a range of ‘bolt-on’ accessories that can be fitted to a modern flow computer to make it compatible with existing wiring, effectively creating an upgrade “plug and play”.

Reducing downtime and cost

Our Interconnection Units (ICUs) are a range of tools exclusively designed, developed and used to facilitate the upgrade of legacy flow computing metering systems. They reduce plant down time, project risk and associated costs.

The ICUs typically mount on the rear of a new flow computer. Together, the two units make the new flow computer electronically and mechanically compatible with the flow computer it is replacing. Consequently, the new combined unit can simply replace the old flow computer, negating the need to replace the existing panel or shut down the plant to upgrade the system.

These units are available exclusively as a system component only on a Swinton Technology supplied solution, and offer the following key benefits:

  • Simple and rapid replacement - less than five minutes per flow computer
  • No need for panel wiring change – the unit converts signal levels accordingly
  • No need for panel mechanical changes - fits into existing flow computer cut-out


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Our hardware and software products provide outstanding performance in flow measurement and metering, including real-time condition based monitoring.



We offer comprehensive support for metering assets, along with training courses that can be tailored to your flow measurement systems and operations.



We’re very proud of our work, supplying energy metering control systems to customers worldwide. Browse our case studies to find out more.